About Us


Response and Preparedness in Disasters-(RAPID-Tanzania) is a Non-Governmental Organization registered in March 2021 under the NGOs Act, 2002 with Registration No 00NGO/R/1785 Rapid-Tanzania is made of experts in the field of disaster risk reduction. Disaster managements experts, Engineers,Architects, Social scientists, Planners, Economists, Epidemiologist, Environmentalist, Social workers, Medical doctors & Community development workers,to mention a few.

The organization deals with all disaster’s management encompasses in management cycle.

diserster life cycle


Seeks to promote a safer, less vulnerable and resilient community which is able to cope with hazards and disaster.


To improve Tanzanian's awareness, knowledge and skills in disaster mitigation, prevention, preparedness and response and be able to integrate disaster risk reduction in development activities, hence improve life standards

Core values

Adaptability Excellente


To support and facilitate disaster risk reduction programmes in the community and institutions To offer counselling that address psychological needs of disaster affected people.
To engage in disaster response, preparedness and recovery To strengthen disaster preparedness planning for the purpose of improving response activities.
To support and participate in search and rescue activities during disaster